Is There Such a Thing as a Red-Day Strategy? Let’s Find Out…

by | Oct 20, 2022

When the market is in a period of uncommon and unpredictable price action — as it has been for the entirety of 2022 — traders need to adjust their game plans.

If you attempt to play this market using the same patterns and setups you were trading in 2020 or 2021, you’ll probably lose money.

And that’s because the entire global economy has changed in the past ten months…

Interest rates have gone from near-zero to a 22-year high, inflation is raging, and major stock indexes have lost 20-30% of their value.

It’s difficult to predict what’s gonna happen next in such a bumpy market. I have sympathy for anyone trying to learn the art of trading in the middle of this crazy volatility…

I’ll be honest, even after 10+ years as a professional trader, I’ve never experienced a market quite like this one. Most of my trading journey took place during the bull market of 2010-2022.

So, naturally, I’ve been looking to my friends, mentors, and fellow traders with bear market experience for guidance. 

And one person, in particular, has stood out this week by telling me about a potentially crash-proof trading strategy!

Keep reading and I’ll tell you all about it…

My Longtime Buddy’s Red-Day Game Plan

Earlier this week, I wrote about some of the bear market wisdom I’ve learned from Tim Sykes

But there’s another colleague of mine, with years of market experience, who’s been developing a strategy specifically for this unique moment in the stock market…

I’m talking about my longtime buddy Tim Bohen, who I first met in Sykes’ Trading Challenge over a decade ago…

Bohen’s an incredible trader who’s made some of the greatest predictions of the past few years…

He has a sixth sense for spotting medium-term swing trades with HUGE UPSIDE. He famously called out Tesla Inc. (NASDAQ: TSLA) at $63 … BEFORE it went up nearly 2,000%!

He also predicted massive moves in Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG) +2,433%, Novavax, Inc. (NASDAQ: NVAX) +4,431%, and FuelCell Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: FCEL) +9,396%!

BOHEN: “5 Red-Day Moonshots For The Next Meltdown”

This has nothing to do with shorting crashing stocks…

So I know what I’m saying sounds like it shouldn’t be possible…

But these are hidden moves that have soared as high as 102%, 172%, 217%.on days most other stocks sell off.

It’s all going down during my SHOCKING Red-Day Moonshots event with Tim Sykes. 

Aside from making killer predictions, Bohen has taught me a lot of cool trading tips over the years, including his 3-Item Checklist, which I use every single day. Let me refresh your memory…

Bohen and I use the same checklist to determine what stocks we’re willing to trade — volume, chart, and catalyst…

If a setup doesn’t show elevated volume — pass.

If a setup doesn’t display the technical indicators we look for in a chart — pass.

If a setup doesn’t have a major catalyst — pass.

However, if we find a setup that checks all three of these boxes — it’s time to add that name to our watchlists. 

While we have our differences, Bohen and I see a lot of things similarly. So it goes without saying that when Bohen reveals a brand-new strategy, I’m paying close attention…

And that goes double when the strategy is specifically tailored for this wild bear market, having already delivered gains of 102%, 172%, and 217% on days when the market was deep in the red!

Next Thursday, October 27 at 8 p.m. Eastern. Bohen is hosting a free conference to go over all the juicy details of his Crash-Proof Moonshots strategy … sign up by clicking right here.

I can’t give away all the secrets yet, but I can tell you that you won’t wanna miss this event!

Final Thoughts

It’s not often that an experienced trader with an uncanny ability to predict the market hosts a FREE trading conference…

Don’t sleep on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity … sign up NOW!

In the meantime … Stay disciplined, be discerning with your trades, and never risk more than you’re willing to lose.

Meet Mark:

Mark Croock is a former accountant who after studying under Millionaire Trader Tim Sykes turned his small account into $4.11 million in trading profits by applying Tim’s strategies to options trading.

He started Evolved Trader to pay it forward and help other traders learn how to leverage options


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