You might be wondering … why is my teaching service called Evolved Trader?
I chose this name to highlight the importance of growing and improving your strategy, which is what I’d like to talk about today.
You see, it’s common for traders to get stuck. You might make it to a certain point in the markets and then hit a wall.
Then, you’ll probably be second-guessing your strategy and asking yourself some questions…
Why aren’t your patterns working anymore? How come your gains aren’t stacking up to what you were making in different market conditions? What can you do to fix it?!
The answer is simple … you must constantly adapt, bend, and most of all evolve your game plan to match whatever the current market environment is throwing at you.
Keep reading and I’ll show you how…
Watch What Great Traders Do
There are always opportunities to profit in the stock market.
Whether you trade OTCs, low floaters, or heavily-shorted stocks — volatility is essential.
The volatility I trade causes big price swings. But it’s not always up … I occasionally take big losses. It’s a part of the game.
Volatility acts as a double-edged sword. It cuts both ways. That’s why you must be careful.
If you learn how to trade a solid game plan with consistency, the profits will come. But if you find yourself getting greedy or lacking discipline, you can kiss your account goodbye.
One thing is crystal clear — the stakes are high.
Luckily, you’re not alone in the market. Many successful traders have come before you. And you can choose to follow in their footsteps.
After all, this is exactly what I did when I first met Tim Sykes. I realized he had a grasp of the markets that I wanted, so I absorbed everything he taught me like a sponge.
I transcribed every webinar Sykes hosted and watched every one of his video lessons THREE TIMES!
And right now, you have the opportunity to start learning the same way I did, under the guidance of Sykes. He’s starting up The 46-Day Account Accelerator (which has only happened twice before in history). Click here to see how you could potentially 10x your account in just 46 days!
But at the end of the day, as great as having a mentor is, you need to learn how to be self-sufficient.
Form a Solid Game Plan
This is the least favorite part for too many traders. Why? Because they’re impatient, greedy, or both!
Too many newbies want to throw their entire accounts on one option and make millions in a day. But this is a pie-in-the-sky dream that will likely never happen…
Growing A Small Trading Account? Check this Out

When multi-millionaire trader Mark Croock first started trading, he was an overworked and underpaid accountant…
So he knows what it’s like to start small while wanting to massively grow your wealth as quickly as possible.
That’s why he just recorded a step-by-step training that reveals what he believes is the best options trading method for someone trading with a small account.
You can never take more than the market’s willing to give. You’ve gotta choose your trades carefully and be consistent with your game plan.
Plus, if you aren’t doing it already, this choppy market is no time to start gunslinging. This is a time to be disciplined and stick to your plan.
Furthermore, you should always be prepared to adjust your game plan based on the current market conditions.
In other words, you need to adapt to anything the market throws at you. I’ve always been willing to adapt to the market, which has helped me immensely throughout my career…
When the market heats up, like in 2020, I trade more aggressively. When the market slows down, like in 2022, I trade more conservatively.
So, what details should go into your trading plans? Here’s what I always include…
- Key price levels
- Why there might be volatile price action — I want high volume and a catalyst
- Number of contracts I want to trade
- Potential entry point
- Potential exit point — prepare for profits or small losses
If you make a trade without knowing those five things, you’re practically begging to lose.
But the opposite is also true. So make sure you’re forming a coherent plan BEFORE you enter any trade.
Evolve Your Strategy
I was lucky enough to find Sykes’ Trading Challenge early on in my journey. The rest is history…
Since my early days as a student, I’ve evolved in many ways.
To me, nothing is more rewarding than seeing noticeable improvements in my trading. I live for this progress.
Even when a play doesn’t go perfectly — if the execution marks an improvement over my last trade — I view that as a win.
I focus on options trading these days, but that’s not for everyone. You need to forge your own path.
Ironically, that’s exactly how I discovered options trading…
I loved Sykes’ strategies and market outlook, but I wanted to trade large-cap companies as well as penny stocks.
It wasn’t until I discovered the options market that I realized I could make life-changing profits without relying entirely on penny stock trading.
But the point is … I had to figure this out on my own. I evolved my strategy by entering the options market and applying Sykes’ patterns to it.
Final Thoughts
There’s no one correct way to trade the stock market.
But you’ve gotta watch what great traders do and form a strategy that fits your personality.
Then, you can adapt and evolve your strategy into a game plan you can consistently execute day after day, month after month, and year after year.